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1. Setting Goals on the Horse
No matter what stage you are in fitness wise or riding, you can always set goals. Take 5 minutes and write down 2 short term goals and 1 long term goal. I like to do 6 month goals and a 1 year goal. An example of a goal might be that you would like to take a clinic with your favorite instructor or enter in a horse show. Another goal could be that you would like to be able to ride one or two more days throughout the week.
Any goal with the horse should entail physical training. You will see results faster by training off the horse rather than riding alone. When there is a direct objective with your horse, you will do what it takes to get it!
Giving yourself an unrealistic goal is only going to set you up for failure. “I want to ride the Grand Prix next year” might not be the best goal if you and your horse are currently at 3rd level. You will feel like a failure when you advance to 4th level and not the Grand Prix. In reality, advancing to 4th level is a great accomplishment!
The same goes for your physical training. Sometimes we only value the # on the scale and not our actual capabilities. Doing exercises that you couldn’t do before is a great accomplishment. This means your mind to muscle coordination and stability are connecting. You are more physically capable than before. Keep doing this with different exercises and voilà! you’re in better shape and a better athlete for your horse.
The hardest part about depression is that you lose joy in the things you love when in actuality, if ya get up and make yourself go do those things you feel better. And when you force yourself to do them day after day pretty soon you're loving those things again and life is getting better.
Do not take your horse for granted. Make the most of every ride as you never know what's around the corner.
The hardest part about depression is that you lose joy in the things you love when in actuality, if ya get up and make yourself go do those things you feel better. And when you force yourself to do them day after day pretty soon you're loving those things again and life is getting better.
Do not take your horse for granted. Make the most of every ride as you never know what's around the corner.
3. Is your heart in it?
I work with horses, I have my own horses, my home is an agistment property. And hell I don't feel like riding them somedays, but then you have to ask yourself "is your heart in it?" If so, get yourself up and get on with it, and enjoy yourself while you're at it. I really don't enjoy waking up at 5:00am every morning, but that's what I have to do. Horses arnt something you can be half hearted about. You need to figure out are you in it %100? Work out a balance, so your not overdoing it. I can relate. But you have to figure out what you want, and only you can answer it.
Using reward in your motivational strategy can be a smart move if used wisely. Not the cheapest way but treat yourself with warm latte in fancy coffee shop on the ride barn/home until you get back into the habit again. Hot drinks are especially good in winter.
Rewards can be as simple as saying to yourself “if I clean the stables today, I can ride for longer tomorrow” or “if I can achieve 65% in a test I will buy that jacket I’ve been eyeing off”.
5. Buy appropriate clothing
When it's all about bad weather, you just need WARM clothes! Invest in something you really like and want to show off.
Wear a hat and wool socks and maybe not so fancy footwear. Wear a longer shirt. Consider buying an adjustable riding helmet for extreme weather.
6. Lessons
Find ways to get trainers lessons. You'll get lots of ideas what to aim for, different excercises, etc. Quite easy way to make the best out of yourself as the trainer does main thinking...
7. Visualisation
Visualisation is a powerful tool to improve rider motivation. By seeing yourself achieve a particular goal or dream, you help shape the thoughts that will create that dream in the physical sense.
I only have to visualise my coach in the middle of an empty arena to suddenly sit straighter and become more alert to what I’m doing in the saddle.
8. Positive self talk
I used to have to rise at 5am to ride. As the days shortened and the nights grew colder, I began making excuses not to get up and ride. Reading an article on positive self talk, I forced myself out of bed and slumped into the car. I pulled down the visor, looked at my face in the mirror and said “god, you look bloody awful.”
But then I remembered the article and said straight away, “but you got out of bed, well done!” As odd as it felt, I continued praising myself every morning for the next week until I no longer had a problem getting out of bed – it had helped to reinforce the early rising habit in me once again.
9. Know what you are doing
Always have some sort of plan before you ride each horse. Instead of just getting on and saying to yourself “I’m going to do dressage today,” have a goal you want to have accomplished in dressage. Say your transitions need work, so spend that day doing transitions, then next time focus on something else in particular. Finally, have a day where you can put it all together.
Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.
I used to have to rise at 5am to ride. As the days shortened and the nights grew colder, I began making excuses not to get up and ride. Reading an article on positive self talk, I forced myself out of bed and slumped into the car. I pulled down the visor, looked at my face in the mirror and said “god, you look bloody awful.”
But then I remembered the article and said straight away, “but you got out of bed, well done!” As odd as it felt, I continued praising myself every morning for the next week until I no longer had a problem getting out of bed – it had helped to reinforce the early rising habit in me once again.
9. Know what you are doing
Always have some sort of plan before you ride each horse. Instead of just getting on and saying to yourself “I’m going to do dressage today,” have a goal you want to have accomplished in dressage. Say your transitions need work, so spend that day doing transitions, then next time focus on something else in particular. Finally, have a day where you can put it all together.
Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.
10. All or nothing
Think about all the hours of practice you've put in, the trainers that have pushed you, the money you've spent, the miles you've hauled, the sweat, the blisters, the lame horse, the crazy horse and everything. Do you just want to write it all off? Do you know that people dream about things you already have? If you don't quit, then start training.